Bleaching / Whitening

In recent years, we are frequently asked on our social media accounts whether we whiten or not. The popularity of whitening is not limited to Gebze or Turkey. In many cities over the world, teeth whitening advertisements covering billboards stood out in many cities we visited, for example Los Angeles, Lisbon or Brussels. Here is some information about teeth whitening and keeping teeth white, one of the aesthetic trends of recent years:

It is not possible to make everyone’s teeth white, even if they are completely healthy. Genetics is an important factor in teeth whitening.

As the enamel layer wears away, teeth turn yellow. This is partly why the teeth of most elderly people turn yellow.

What we eat and drink affects the whiteness of our teeth. Everyone knows that the substances in cigarettes stick to the teeth and cause them to turn yellow or even darken. In addition, tea, coffee, concentrated fruit juices, and some types of alcohol (for example, red wine) can also be effective in yellowing teeth.

If you drink coffee without sugar, 2-3 cups a day, and clean your teeth regularly, it has almost no effect on yellowing, but if you add milk, cream and sugar and neglect to brush your teeth, stains will begin to appear on your teeth. In some patients, yellowing may occur again just weeks after teeth whitening due to tea, coffee and smoking.

Sugary and sticky dried fruits (for example, dried figs) and nuts also cause yellowing of teeth.

If you do not clean your dental plaque with regular brushing and gargling, tartar will form. Tartar also affects tooth color.

In some people, stains form under the surface of the teeth. This may be due to the use of certain medications (for example, some antibiotics) or the effects of factors that leak over time through tiny holes on the tooth surface.

The most commonly used method by dentists for teeth whitening is to carefully remove the stains on the teeth by using some peroxide components.

You may come across DIY (do it yourself) ads on the internet. Some of these remedies contain very little peroxide, so they are not effective in removing stains. Products containing excess (for example, some teeth whitening gels) erode teeth and gums. Although whitening is seen in the short term, you may encounter unhealthy and yellowed teeth in the long term due to worn teeth.

There are also some natural ingredients that can help you keep teeth white. For example, baking soda. Yes, baking soda removes stains, but it is very corrosive to tooth enamel. In the long run, it may cause scratches that a toothbrush will not be able to clean. Therefore, do not try this type of method without consulting your dentist.

If teeth whitening is not performed by a competent person, permanent damage such as small cracks or worn tooth tips may occur.

Do not whiten your teeth too often, even if it is done by an authorized and competent dentist. Generally, your doctor will warn you about the duration. However, some patients may see a different physician for whitening without stating that the procedure was performed recently (for example, 3-4 months ago). Frequent whitening can be harmful as it wears down teeth and gums.

Some patients neglect their dental hygiene, saying, “I’ll whiten it again anyway.” Teeth that have 3already been whitened will be more sensitive. If care is not taken, it may turn yellow faster than before.